About us

ConnectorIO® was launched from love to software and well engineered solutions solving real life problems. We keep working on our mission every day delivering unique value to our customers.

Before it was born

ConnectorIO launch in 2018 was a fairly late response to market demand related for services related to openHAB project. There was number of inquiries received by Code-House (related software integration company) starting from year 2015.


First days of ConnectorIO were dedicated to cooperation with KUGU Home GmbH towards integration of Wireless M-Bus standard. Our services contributed to stable growth of KUGU’s towards its current business model.

The 2019 year was a year during which ConnectorIO founders attempted to attract venture capital firms to idea of hardware integration boosted by software platform. Due to service nature of work related with ongoing investment in software, these attempts were failed.
This is the time when ConnectorIO was a “wannabe” proptech company.

Early growth

Starting from early 2020, given lack of positive response from Venture Capital, CennectorIO sourced a project related to integration of Technische Alternative RT GmbH hardware. Project was called its extension up to mid 2022 served growth of knowledge and deployment of offered solution in number of estates in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Monitoring of energy consumption, photovoltaic production, heat and water utilization become part of our daily work.


Due to the end of Swiss project ConnectorIO, based on experiences gained in earlier years, our company began new phase. This is still an ongoing effort, which is about bringing our business model closer to cloud.
