
ConnectorIO, on October 11, 2023

Below you will find the regulations of the website, which contains information on the provision of electronic services via this website. You can contact us at any time by sending an email to or by calling +48 721 151 666.

Best regards and enjoy your use of the team

§1 General information, definitions

  1. These regulations set out the rules for using the website, which is owned business under the name Connectorio Sp. z o. o. ul. Nieszawska 4b, 03-382 Warsaw, Poland, entered into the National Court Register, under KRS number 0000758107, to the Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity number NIP (Tax Identification Number): 524-287-70-34.
  2. For the purposes of these Regulations, the following terms are used:
    1. Owner – Connectorio Sp. z o. o. running a business under the company Connectorio Sp. z o. o. ul. Nieszawska 4b, 03-382, Warsaw, entered into the Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity, NIP 584-242-53-75, e-mail: ,
    2. Customer – a natural person with full legal capacity, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, placing Orders and purchasing Products in the Store;
    3. Product – physical (material) products, electronic products (digital content) available in the Store;
    4. Regulations – these regulations, available at;
    5. Service – part of an information website available at [ttps://, in which the user does not make procurement or purchasing;
    6. User – an entity using the Website;
    7. Store – the website available at, through which the Customer places Orders for the purchase of Products;
    8. Sales contract – a contract of sale of Products concluded between the Owner and the Customer using the Store’s website;
    9. Order – Customer’s declaration of intent aimed at concluding a Sales Agreement, constituting an offer to conclude a sales agreement, specifying in particular the type and quantity of the Product.
  3. The materials used to present the products, i.e. photos, descriptions and other are part of the Store, are the property of its owner and are protected by copyright. It is forbidden to use them for commercial purposes or presentation in any media without the consent of the Owner.
  4. The prices next to the Products are expressed in Polish zlotys and are given in gross values, including VAT. In the case of physical Products, prices do not include shipping costs.

§2 Preliminary provisions

  1. Through the Website, the Owner provides Users with services by electronic means consisting of providing Users with the ability to:
    1. browse the content of the Website,
    2. download additional materials to the computer disk or device memory,
    3. subscribe to the newsletter,
    4. set up a user account.
  2. The Regulations set out the terms and conditions for using the Website, as well as the rights and obligations of the Owner and User.
  3. To use the Website, it is not necessary to meet specific technical conditions by a computer or other User’s device. Sufficient are:
    1. Internet access,
    2. standard operating system,
    3. standard web browser,
    4. having an active email address – to register a user account.
  4. The User is prohibited from providing illegal content, in particular by sending such content via forms available on the Website.
  5. The User may browse the Website content anonymously, i.e. without providing any data, but in order to set up a user account or use the contact form, certain personal data must be provided. The rules for handling personal data are described in the privacy policy available at https: // privacy-policy.
  6. Using the Website is free. Using the Store is free of charge, but the Products are purchased after the conclusion of the Sales Agreement.
  7. In order to ensure the safety of the User and the transfer of data in connection with the use of the Website, the Owner takes technical and organizational measures appropriate to the degree of threat to the security of the services provided, in particular measures to prevent the acquisition and modification of personal data by unauthorized persons.
  8. The owner takes steps to ensure that the Website functions properly. The User should inform the Owner about any irregularities or interruptions in the functioning of the Website.

§3 Website The Website

  1. Contentcontent consists of text, graphic, photo and audio-visual materials.
  2. The content of the Website is publicly available to all Users.
  3. The Website may contain hyperlinks redirecting the User to external pages, in particular to the Owner’s Store pages, through which it is possible to purchase Products from the Owner’s offer.
  4. The content of the Website is protected by copyright. Dissemination of content available on the Website without the prior consent of authorized entities may constitute a violation of copyright and may result in civil or criminal liability.
  5. The content of the Website also includes forms that allow you to contact the Owner or ask for contact from the Owner.

§4 Additional materials

  1. Through the Website, the Owner may provide the User with additional materials for download, such as texts, graphics, photos, sound recordings, and audiovisual materials.
  2. Additional materials may be available for download in various places on the Website. Materials can be distributed as individual files or archives .zip or .rar.
  3. Some additional materials may be available only to registered Users, i.e. those who have an account on the Website.

§5 Newsletter

  1. Through the Website, the User may subscribe to the newsletter by ticking the appropriate checkbox content as part of the user account creation form.
  2. Newsletter consists of sending information about new products, promotions, products and services of the Owner to the e-mail address provided by the User.
  3. Based on the data provided by the User in the account creation form, the Owner may personalize the content of messages sent to the User as part of the newsletter.
  4. The User may at any time unsubscribe from receiving the newsletter by clicking on the special link contained in each message sent as part of the newsletter or directing the appropriate request to the Owner via email.

§6 User account The user

  1. may set up an account on the Website.
  2. In order to set up an account, the User must complete the registration form, providing the data necessary to set up an account and submitting relevant statements using the checkbox mechanism.
  3. After correctly completing the form and submitting it using the automatic mechanism of the Website, the User will receive confirmation of the account creation. At this time, the account agreement is considered to have been concluded between the Owner and the User.
  4. The account maintenance contract is free of charge and is concluded for an indefinite period with the option of termination by either party without notice. Termination of the contract results in the deletion of the account. Submitting a request to delete an account is equivalent to terminating the contract.
  5. The user gains access to the account by logging in using the e-mail address and password provided as part of the registration form. The password can be changed by the User at any time.
  6. As part of the account, the User may modify his data assigned to the Account, select his representative and download additional materials available only for registered Users.

§7 Complaints The

  1. User may submit complaints in connection with the use of the Website.
  2. The complaint should include:
    1. designation of the User,
    2. subject of the complaint,
    3. circumstances justifying the complaint,
    4. User’s request in connection with the complaint.
  3. Complaints may be submitted in the form of an e-mail to the Owner’s e-mail address, i.e. .
  4. The owner will consider the complaint within 14 days of delivery of the complaint to the owner. He will inform the User about his decision made as a result of considering the complaint in the same way as the complaint was sent to him.

§8 Personal data and cookies The

  1. Administrator of User’s personal data is the Owner.
  2. Personal data is processed to provide services electronically.
  3. The rules for handling personal data and the use of cookies as part of the Website are described in the privacy policy and cookies available at

§9 Liability of the Owner The

  1. owner will make every effort to make the Website available to the User without interruptions and disruptions.
  2. However, the Owner is not able to guarantee that the Website will be available to the User without interruptions and disruptions, in particular due to the necessary technical or modernization works. Therefore, the Owner reserves the right to interruptions in the availability of the Website, in particular due to the necessary technical or modernization works.
  3. The owner is not responsible for any damages incurred by the user in connection with interruptions in the availability of the Website.
  4. The owner may decide to terminate the business at any time and for any reason without having to explain the reasons to the User. In such a situation, the Owner will notify the User’s decision.

§10 Using the Store

  1. In order to place an Order on the Store’s website, one should select Products, taking further technical actions on the basis of messages and information displayed on the Store’s website.
  2. To purchase Products, the Customer collects them for the so-called Cart. The basket is an element of the Store, where the Customer transfers the Products that he intends to buy. The Customer may at any time view the contents of the basket, add or remove Products, and immediately proceed to the order submission process.
  3. During the Order process, the Customer specifies the details of the Order such as: delivery address, invoice data, delivery method, payment method and others.
  4. The Customer may register during the Order process. Registration may be necessary for subsequent use of Electronic Products.
  5. Customer registration in the Store allows the Customer’s personal data and the history of his Orders to be stored in the Store’s database, as well as access to Electronic Products.
  6. During registration, the Customer is required to provide a unique and only known password. The registration process is encrypted with an appropriate protocol.
  7. The customer is responsible for not disclosing his password to third parties and bears all possible financial and legal consequences of such sharing.

§11 Placing an Order

  1. Orders for Products are accepted only by electronic means by placing an Order using the Store’s website or by e-mail to .
  2. A prerequisite for placing an Order is the correct completion of the Order form. An order with an incorrectly completed form may not be processed.
  3. By completing the form, the Customer is required to provide correct personal data, e-mail address, contact phone number, exact home address and delivery address (if required and different from the home address).
  4. The e-mail address and contact telephone number may be used only for contact during the order processing, unless the Customer agrees to be contacted for other purposes (e.g. newsletter).
  5. Before accepting the Order, the Buyer will be informed about: the
    1. main features of the Product, the
    2. total price or remuneration for the Product, including taxes, as well as fees for transport, delivery, postal services and other costs, the
    3. possibility of withdrawing from the contract.
  6. The customer wishes to conclude the Sales Agreement by pressing the “order with an obligation to pay” or equivalent.
  7. Placing an order is not equivalent to concluding a Sales Agreement, but constitutes submitting an offer to conclude such an agreement.
  8. The sales contract is concluded at the time of acceptance of the Order for execution by the Owner, about which the Customer is informed by e-mail confirming the purchase.
  9. Order processing begins when the transfer is credited to the Owner’s bank account or by another payment operator.
  10. In case of unavailability of some of the Products covered by the order, the Customer will be informed about the status of the order and will decide on the method of its implementation (partial implementation or cancellation of the entire order).
  11. A limited number of Products are intended for promotional sales and sales. Orders are processed in the order in which the confirmed orders for these Products arrive, until stocks covered by this form of sale run out.

§12 Prices, payments, delivery

  1. All prices of Products are given in Polish zlotys and include VAT. The price given for each Product is binding when the Customer places the order. The owner reserves the right to change the prices of Products in the Store, introduce new Products to the Store, carry out and cancel promotional campaigns on the Store’s websites, use unique promotional codes available outside the Store. The above permission does not affect the prices of Products in orders placed before the date of entry into force of the price change or promotional campaigns. The price given for each Product is binding at the time of placing the order.
  2. Each purchase made by the customer is accompanied by a proof of purchase: receipt or VAT invoice sent electronically. At the customer’s request, the purchase receipt will be delivered in paper version.
  3. The customer can make a payment for purchased Products in the following way:
    1. by transfer via the electronic system,
    2. bank transfer,
    3. blik,
    4. Alior Installments,
    5. Euro Payment,
    6. payment form.
  4. Payments are handled by the company Krajowy Integrator Płatności SA with its registered office in Poznań at ul. St. Marcin 73/6, postal code: 61-808, KRS: 0000412357 operating under the brand name
  5. Orders for Electronic Products are carried out after payment is received by sending the Product or instructions on how to use the Product in an e-mail message. The Product will be shipped immediately after payment is received, up to 24 hours after receiving the payment.
  6. The delivery of physical Products takes place in the manner chosen by the Customer when placing the Order. The cost of delivery is given to the Customer after selecting the Products and after selecting the payment method.
  7. Shipment of physical Products takes place immediately after receipt of payment, no later than within 10 business days after receipt of payment. The time of delivery by the entity providing delivery services should be added to the time of delivery of Physical Products. The time of delivery, its cost and the entity providing delivery services will be provided when placing the Order.
  8. The delivery of physical products takes place only in Poland.

§13 The right to withdraw from the contract withdrawn by the

  1. may beCustomer by withdrawing from the Contract of Sale of a Product bought in the Store without giving a reason within 30 days from the date of receipt. To meet this deadline, it is sufficient to send a statement of withdrawal to the address of the store’s headquarters or to the e-mail address provided in the Regulations.
  2. In the event of withdrawal from a distance sales contract, the contract is considered void.
  3. In the event of withdrawal from the concluded Sales Agreement regarding a Physical Product, the Customer is obliged to return the Product within a maximum of 14 days from the day on which he withdrew from the contract.
  4. The owner guarantees reimbursement of the price and costs paid by the client, including the costs of delivery of the sold products to the client. The customer bears the direct cost of returning the Product.
  5. The customer is responsible for reducing the value of the item as a result of using it in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the item.
  6. All refunds will be settled by the Owner no later than within 14 days of receipt of the statement of withdrawal from the contract, using the same method of payment as used by the Customer, unless the Customer has agreed to a different method of return. The refund is not associated with additional costs. The Owner may withhold reimbursement of amounts received by the Customer until receipt of the Product or delivery by the consumer of proof of its return, whichever comes first.
  7. The right to withdraw from the contract is also entitled to Customers purchasing the Electronic Product (digital content), unless the Product description explicitly stipulates otherwise, to which the Customer has expressly agreed.

§14 Liability for defects

  1. The owner is required to provide the Product free of defects.
  2. If the received Product is defective, the Customer may, at his option, take advantage of the warranty rights directly with the guarantor (manufacturer or distributor), provided that the Product warranty or rights granted to him under the warranty for defects against the Owner, under the conditions specified in Civil Code.
  3. If a Product defect is revealed, the Customer has the right to make a complaint. The entitlement is granted within two years from the date of delivery of the Product.
  4. A complaint should be submitted along with the claimed Product specifying the nature of the defect and containing a request to remove the defect.
  5. The owner will respond to the customer’s request immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the advertised product from the customer along with a complaint letter.
  6. The customer will be informed about the result of the complaint in the same way that he sent the complaint.
  7. If the Customer’s request is justified, the Owner bears all costs associated with the delivery of the repaired or new product free of defects to the Customer.
  8. If the complaint is accepted, the damaged Product will be repaired or replaced with a full-fledged one. If this is not possible (for example, due to the exhaustion of stocks), the Store will refund the equivalent price of the Product or reduce the price.

§15 Technical requirements, functionality and interoperability of digital content, provision of electronic services in the Store

  1. The owner provides the Customer with an electronic service consisting in enabling the conclusion of a contract for the delivery of electronic and physical products and the use of certain electronic products.
  2. To conclude a sales contract, you do not need to have an account in the Store.
  3. Providing access to the Store’s functionality is free of charge. Purchase of Products available in the Store is for a fee.
  4. To place an order and use the functionality of the Store, as well as to use Electronic Products, it is necessary: ​​to
    1. have an active e-mail account (to make purchases in the Store),
    2. a web browser that includes current updates, with JavaScript
    3. enabled, cookies enabled in the browser ,
    4. Internet access,
    5. installing applications that enable reading PDF files, the
    6. ability to play video materials (to use some Electronic Products).
  5. The store uses cookies to protect security and a high level of customer service. The customer can at any time change the settings for cookies – specify the conditions for their storage and access through cookies to your device using the web browser settings or by using the service configuration.
  6. The Customer has the right to lodge a complaint regarding the operation of the Store by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or by post to the Owner’s address.
  7. A response to the complaint will be sent within 14 days of its receipt to the address indicated in the complaint.

§16 Personal data and cookies

  1. Personal data is collected and processed in order to perform the sales contract and provide access to Electronic Products.
  2. The Store Owner issues a newsletter, which includes, among others information on the offer and new Products. Newsletter is sent only to customers who have expressed a desire to receive it. The customer may unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time.
  3. Providing personal data by the Customer is voluntary, but no consent to their processing for the purpose referred to in paragraph 1, will prevent the execution of the Order. Personal data is protected in accordance with applicable law.
  4. Detailed rules for the processing of personal data and the use of cookies are described in the Privacy Policy available at

§17 Final provisions

  1. For the avoidance of doubt, it is stated that none of the provisions of these Regulations limits the consumer’s rights under the law applicable in the territory of the Republic of Poland. If it is found that such a provision exists, the provisions of the law in force in the territory of the Republic of Poland shall apply, in particular the Civil Code and the Act on consumer rights.
  2. The owner indicates that all Products available in the Store are protected by copyright. Further distribution of the Products without the consent of their creator constitutes copyright infringement and may result in civil and criminal liability.
  3. Settlement of any disputes arising between the Owner and the Customer, who is a consumer, is submitted to the competent courts in accordance with the provisions of the relevant provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, whereby the Owner allows mediation. The consumer is entitled to apply to a permanent amicable consumer court operating at the Trade Inspection or to the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection, and may also obtain free assistance in resolving the dispute between the Customer being a Consumer and the Owner, using the free assistance of the poviat (municipal) consumer ombudsman.
  4. The consumer may also use the ODR platform, which is available at The platform is used to resolve disputes between consumers and entrepreneurs seeking out-of-court settlement of a dispute regarding contractual obligations under an online sales contract or contract for the provision of services.
  5. Settlement of any disputes arising between the Owner and the Customer who is not a consumer, is submitted to the court having jurisdiction over the registered office of the Store, i.e. the Owner of the website
  6. These Regulations apply from 26 March 2019. The
  7. owner reserves the right to change the Regulations. Any changes to the Regulations come into force on the date indicated by the Store. Orders placed before the date of entry into force of amendments to these Regulations are implemented on the basis of the provisions in force on the date of the order.
  8. All archived versions of the Regulations are available for download in .pdf format – the links are located below the Regulations.