ConnectorIO® SDK

ConnectorIO, on August 30, 2023

ConnectorIO® Software Development Toolkit deliver first class connectivity solution for industrial use cases. ConnectorIO® SDK is built on top of Apache PLC4X.

Programming language support

Our support includes Java language and runtimes based on Java Virtual Machine. We currently do not support any language beyond above. If you are interested in them please contact us.

Protocol Coverage

Protocols can be divided into two primary groups - standard based, which rely on published materials, and vendor specific. Vendor specific protocols rely on reverse engineering effort which can vary in quality and maturity.

Protocol Standard Development level Maturity Features
ADS (TCP) Supported Mature R, W, S, D, P
BACnet N/A N/A N/A
CANopen Supported Mature R, W, S
CAN RAW Supported Beta W, S
EtherNet/IP Supported Beta R, W
Modbus (TCP) Supported Mature R, W
Modbus (RTU) Supported Mature R, W
Modbus (ASCII) Supported Mature R, W
IO-Link Planned R&D N/A
S7-1200 (TCP) Supported Mature R, W
S7-1500 (TCP) Supported Experimental R, W, S
S7-300 Supported Experimental R, W
S7-400 Supported Experimental R, W, S

Feature legend:

  • R read - support for reading data through polling
  • W write - write data
  • S subscribe - support for subscribe/listening mode
  • D discovery - support for discovery of equipment in network
  • P data point discovery - support for discovery of device/equipment channels

Support levels

Our support is provided within three levels. Each driver is charged individually, thus you can scale support fees by selecting number of integrations which you require support. All below support options currently base of Apache PLC4X 0.8 API and functionality. The next target for support is Apache PLC4X 0.11 API.

Aspect Basic Professional Enterprise
Contract length 1 year 2 years negotiable
Support coverage Patch releases Patch Releases Patch Releases
Support period 1,5 year 3 years negotiable
Contact method Mail Mail/IM Mail/IM/Phone
Contact hours Business (Central European) 24/5 24/7

Differences between ConnectorIO® SDK and Apache PLC4X

Apache PLC4X is open source project and brand. Brand itself is managed by Apache Software Foundation. You can expect a lot of good parts coming from open source development in Apache PLC4X.

We provide our own builds of Apache PLC4X project which is base for our commercial support services. From functional point of view you receive all abilities Apache PLC4X (java drivers) does have. To avoid mismatches or misguiding we call a version supported by our firm ConnectorIO® SDK.

Differences between ConnectorIO® SDK and ConnectorIO® Agent

ConnectorIO® Agent is a complete software distribution which contains its own webserver and user interface. ConnectorIO® SDK is a programming library and toolkit directed towards companies which want to utilize it for own purposes. Currently, Agent is able to support more protocols than SDK as agent can rely on additional libraries.