openHAB project

ConnectorIO, on September 1, 2023

openHAB is open source project and complete solution which allows integration of various equipments in “smart home” environment. Since openHAB is community driven project with no commercial interest in its development, it is not possible to obtain a commercial support offering for openHAB in unmodified form.

openHAB is registered trademark of Kai Kreuzer. It is not possible to re-sell openHAB or products under openHAB brand without his explicit permission. From legal point of view we can’t support openHAB.

ConnectorIO uses parts of openHAB project to deliver our own products and solutions. We are able to support and maintain separate source tree of openHAB project, especially its most valuable part - system core. Technically speaking we conduct third party releases which may or may not include modified sources.

Our knowledge and experiences allows us to assist implementation of solutions based on openHAB project sources in commercial use cases.

Service scope

Most of the services in area of openHAB project can be quantified and conducted on per-project basis. We do not support openHAB addons, unless explicitly asked.

This is due to fact that addon development includes code which origin might be questionable. If you are interested in obtaining support for specific addon the best way is contact with its author or active community members.

Our services include customized development of various addons (bindings and services) integrating specific equipments. By relying on our service offering you can be sure that results will have a clear intellectual property situation and become a subject of licensing terms expected by you. ConnectorIO is able to provide a modified build of user interface which is distinct from official openHAB UI.

Operating system builds

While embedded software development is not core of our business we understand its severity in overall software supply chain. We provide support for Yocto based operating system builds, contributing to development of more professional approach towards maintenance of developed solution.

See it in action

If you would like to see result of our services in action please take a look on ConnectorIO® Agent. This is distribution of our software solution which is based on openHAB project.